Docker for Web Developers

Docker book and video course contents

The course book and video follow the Docker topics shown below. The book also provides additional appendices with reference information.

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  1. About this book
    1. Preface
    2. Prerequisites
    3. Course website
    4. Book and/or videos?
    5. Example code
    6. Chat room
    7. Code conventions
    8. Further tips
    9. About me
    10. Copyright and distribution
  2. Introduction
    1. "It works on my machine, buddy"
    2. Virtual machining
    3. Docker delivers
    4. Nah, I'm still not convinced
    5. Isn't {insert-technology-here} where it's at?
    6. Key points
  3. What is Docker?
    1. Containers
    2. Images
    3. Volumes
    4. Networks
    5. Docker Compose
    6. Orchestration
    7. Docker client-server application
    8. Docker development strategies
    9. Simpler development and production
    10. When not to use Docker
    11. Docker alternatives
    12. Key points
  4. How to install Docker
    1. Install Docker on Linux
    2. Install Docker on macOS
    3. Install Docker on Windows
    4. Test your Docker installation
    5. Key points
  5. Launch a MySQL database with Docker
    1. Locate a suitable MySQL image on Docker Hub
    2. Launch a MySQL container
    3. Connect to the database using a MySQL client
    4. Connect to a container shell
    5. View, stop, and restart containers
    6. Define a Docker network
    7. Cleaning up
    8. Launch multiple containers with Docker Compose
    9. Key points
  6. WordPress development with Docker
    1. WordPress requirements
    2. Docker configuration plan
    3. Docker Compose configuration
    4. Launch your WordPress environment
    5. Install WordPress
    6. Local WordPress Development
    7. Key points
  7. Application development with Docker
    1. Container-based application development
    2. What is Node.js?
    3. Hello World application overview
    4. Docker configuration plan
    5. Dockerfiles
    6. Build an image
    7. Launch a production container from your image
    8. Launch a development environment with Docker Compose
    9. Live code editing
    10. Remote container debugging
    11. Create an image from a container
    12. Key points
  8. Push your Docker image to a Repository
    1. Why push an image to Docker Hub?
    2. Docker Hub alternatives
    3. Image names and tags
    4. Create a Docker Hub repository
    5. Log in locally
    6. Build an application image
    7. Tag an image
    8. Push to Docker Hub
    9. Distribute your image
    10. Key points
  9. Docker orchestration on production servers
    1. Dependency planning
    2. Application scaling
    3. Orchestration overview
    4. Docker Swarm
    5. Kubernetes
    6. Key points
  10. Your Docker journey
    1. Docker's future
    2. Further Docker help
  11. Appendix A: Docker command-line reference
    1. Log into Docker Hub
    2. Search Docker Hub
    3. Pull a Docker Hub image
    4. List Docker images
    5. Build an image from a Dockerfile
    6. Tag an image
    7. Push tagged images to Docker Hub
    8. Launch a container from an image
    9. List containers
    10. Run a command in a container
    11. Attach to a container shell
    12. Restart a container
    13. Pause a container
    14. Unpause (resume) a container
    15. View container metrics
    16. Increase container resources
    17. Stop a container
    18. Remove stopped containers
    19. View Docker volumes
    20. Delete a volume
    21. Bind mount a host directory
    22. Define a Docker network
    23. View networks
    24. Delete a network
    25. View system disk usage
    26. Full clean start
  12. Appendix B: Dockerfile reference
    1. # comment
    2. ARG arguments
    3. ENV environment variables
    4. FROM <image> starting image
    5. WORKDIR working directory
    6. COPY files from the host to image
    7. ADD files
    8. Mount a VOLUME
    9. Set a USER
    10. RUN a command
    11. EXPOSE a port
    12. CMD execute container
    13. ENTRYPOINT execute container
    14. .dockerignore file patterns
  13. Appendix C: Docker Compose reference
    1. Docker Compose CLI
    2. docker-compose.yml outline
    3. Starting image
    4. build an image from a Dockerfile
    5. Set the container_name
    6. Container depends_on another
    7. Set environment variables
    8. Set environment variables from a env_file
    9. Attach to Docker networks
    10. Attach persistent Docker volumes
    11. Set a custom dns server
    12. expose ports
    13. Define external_links to other containers
    14. Override the default command
    15. Override the default entrypoint
    16. Specify a restart policy
    17. Run a healthcheck
    18. Define a logging service
  14. Appendix D: quiz project
    1. Project overview
    2. Launch in development mode
    3. Launch in production mode
    4. Clean up
    5. Project file structure
    6. nodejs Docker image
    7. nginx Docker image
    8. mongodb Docker image
    9. Node.js build process
    10. Node.js Express.js application
    11. Client-side files
    12. Key points

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